Monday, August 10, 2009


We recently arrived in Twillingate after a fairly short drive from Grand-Falls Windsor. With Cam and Marcia, we stopped at the Titanic exhibit in Norris Arm. Excellent display. Now we are in the Bay of Isles where we are supposed to be able to see whales and icebergs. We saw a whale yesterday while visiting a Heritage Center and eating lunch on their back deck.

Last night we attended a dinner theatre where "I Will Survive" was the entertainment. Our wait staff also doubled as the stars of the show and we thoroughly enjoyed it. During the audience participation segment, we contributed Sally Jones, Beth Jones and Chuck Helwig to the Disco Dance Contest. Two Canadian men also danced, but our very own Beth won the coveted T-Shirt which proclaims on the back, "I Won the Disco Dance Contest at I Will Survive" or something like that. She'll be swimming in it, as it's an XL.

Tonight we have another dinner at the Masonic Lodge with entertainment by Karen Churchill.
Al and Gracie say she's very good. We're going to be hauling home a lot of CD's from the entertainers we've listened to here. All have been very personable and enjoyable.

Some thoughts on Newfoundland and Labrador: It's one province and Canada's newest.
Most of the houses have new vinyl siding and it makes everything look quite new and fresh. Most colors are light and it's a government stimulus program.

Laundry hangs on clotheslines and I have been trying to photograph "the perfect line of clothes" I keep looking and taking pictures.

Moose are hard to spot and not all of our caravaners have seen one so far.

The people are wonderful and VERY friendly. Up in this area, their accents are "thicker".

Every view is worthy of its own picture postcard. I've taken thousands of pictures so far. I have no idea how I'm going to sort them all out to make them viewable or shareable.

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