Thursday, August 13, 2009

Traveling On

This is our last day in Twillingate and we've been blessed by sunny weather.

Yesterday we all toured a fishing museum. We learned all about the fishing industry from a local, whose father was a fisherman (although he, himself, was a schoolteacher). Later he took Sarge, Chuck and Ted out for a fishing trip. Not only did they catch fish, they saw whales. The icebergs have almost all melted.

Last night was a dinner theatre experience for 12 of us in Crow Head, not far from our campground. It was very funny, although I'd heard most of the jokes before from Readers' Digest.
It did not detract from our enjoyment in the least and the dinner was excellent.

Today is a free day and tonight we have another caravan cookout. My cooking duties were over long ago, so we just get to eat and enjoy from now on.

Susan King says Twillingate is her favorite Newfoundland place and Chuck and Maggie are already planning to come back here another year. Susan and Jamie are on their third Viking Trail caravan and Donna and Jim Wilkins are on their second. It's definitely worth a return trip, but for us it's so very FAR from home. As some of their T-shirts proclaim: Newfoundland: Been there, Going Back.

Yesterday I tried twice to call Mom and wish her a happy birthday, but she wasn't home. I did get through to Roxy on I-Chat and we had a nice video visit. I highly recommend it, but the time differences here are a bit problematic.

The group is getting very well acquainted with Newfoundland music and can sing along quite adequately. We're going to be singing along with our CD's all the way home.

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