Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We are now in Eastport and it's raining. Puts a damper on any plans for outdoor activities. We hope tomorrow will be sunny and then we'll take the ferry to St. Brendan Island.

Yesterday's journey yesterday was short, but eventful. Shortly after leaving, Larry discovered he had no trailer brakes. We pulled over at the rest area/lookout and checked. Sure enough, the line was severed (again). A vegetable stand was set up at the lookout, so he went over and asked the proprietor if there was a repair shop available in the town below. He said he'd call his friend and the guy showed up several seconds later; he and wife and son were already on their way to get some fresh vegetables for their dinner. He got the vegetables and then led us down to the town and his shop. About an hour later we left with a repaired brake line. We then headed out of town, but stopped briefly to see if we could spot a couple of beached whales at the shoreline. They'd already been towed back out to deeper water and we did see the fin on one of them.

After all that, we still weren't late in arriving into the RV park. Dinner was at the Canadian Legion Hall and we enjoyed a Jiggs Dinner, very much like the brunch we'd had the day before in Gander at the airport. Everyone loved the desserts, especially since we were able to get seconds! We liked Rosie's Bakery and Cafe (and gift shop) also and got two T-shirts.

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