Monday, August 24, 2009

Woody Island Adventure

Friday was our Woody Island overnight adventure. We left in the morning for the boat dock and took the short ride over to the island.

Once there, we were given our room assignments and then served lunch of soup, bread and toutons with "lassie" (molasses) for dessert.

Since we are supposedly still young and agile, we were given the small triplex building with Chuck and Maggie and Ted and Donna. Ted and Donna had the "bridal suite" with its own bathroom and the rest of us shared. Our little building is over 100 years old and very cute, but...don't ask me how I slept!

Activities for us included hiking down the path to the cemeteries and hiking down the path to the beach.

Ted and Al managed to find more "treasures" from the beach. Donna told Ted he could only take things he could fit in his pockets. Boy, were his pockets stretched!

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