Saturday, August 1, 2009

Port au Choix

From St. Anthony we drove to Port au Choix, a relatively uneventful trip with the exceptions of a very bumpy (roadwork) road and the viewing of portions of two separate moose - one by Larry and one by me.

Nothing new about the weather, either. It was getting increasingly colder from the high of almost 80 degrees. When we arrived at the campground the winds had picked up considerably. By the time Barry and Shirley arrived it was a torrential downpour with heavy heavy wind. We all spent our afternoons doing similar activities (all indoor). Napping, reading, listening to the rain and wind, etc. What a storm! Beachfront property, but no one could enjoy it.

Dinner at the motel that night was delicious and by the dinners' end, the rain had also stopped.
The owner gave a talk after our meal and told of her life in Newfoundland. Her ancestry is French, but no family member speaks a word of French. She was one of 21 children and had fond childhood memories of her siblings and parents, although she said life wasn't easy.

The next day we toured the Heritage Center and Interpretive Center and Philip's Garden by the Sea. Also took some lighthouse pictures. We very much enjoyed Pierre's talk at the Interpretive Center, as he was determined to tell us everything he knew! We all really enjoyed the gift shop as well.

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