Saturday, August 1, 2009

Moose Stew

On our last night in St. Anthony we had a moose stew dinner, thanks to Larry and Martha Jones, who went to great lengths in obtaining the meat. It's a long story, but basically they got the meat from a woman who cuts meat. They were given her name by a couple they met in a restaurant and went to Bird Cove to find her. We were in the information center/museum when they came by and asked the workers if they knew her. They did and proceeded to call her. She wasn't home, but they called a few neighbors and managed to locate her. Larry and Martha were then taken to her home and she produced a small roast. They said that it wouldn't be big enough for 40 people, so she called some friends and they managed to come up with enough moose meat to feed a hungry crowd. Since it is illegal to sell moose meat, they gave it to them for free. Later we all signed a "thank-you" card to them and the caravan donated to their local charity.

Sid and Sally and Carol and Charlie also had a tale to tell about their Labrador experience. When we all regrouped on the ferry at the end of the day, they were ecstatic about their boat ride to see a glacier. They'd been viewing it from ashore when a young boy approached them and asked if they'd like to go see it up close. Would they!!! He said his dad could take them - for free, but they refused that offer and eventually agreed that $10 a person would be a very fair price. They have lots of pictures and Carol and Sally even shared a drink from a piece they broke off. The boat also took them between the two pieces of ice - one that had broken off.
That was undoubtedly the highlight of their trip and they doubt anything can top it - ever!

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