Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Day in Bryce Canyon

Another day, another hike - and a bus trip through the canyon. Above the canyon, I should say.

Larry and I started out with a hike from the lodge area. It wasn't difficult, but was steep. We got some great pictures.

The visitors' center was beautiful and had a great selection of everything. We also went to the campground general store and got T-shirts (on sale).

After lunch was our bus tour of the area. Cliff, our driver, did a great job and we saw nearly every overlook. There are a few left in the northern area that we'll try to see tomorrow.

About half of the Airstreamers had their trail rides today. They say they had a great time! Our turn is tomorrow.

Hiking in the Parks

Our visit to Zion National Park included two hikes. The scenery was spectacular, but I mostly looked at my feet while determining the best places to plant them! I also learned that the difference between a walk and a hike was that a hike involves climbing over a lot of rocks and stairs - both up and downhill. Walks are flatter with paved paths. Ours were definitely hikes!

The first was to Canyon Overlook, just beyond the tunnels to the East Entrance. A parking space was available, so the hike was a "go". Unfortunately, this was Memorial Day weekend and the crowds were out. Approximately 30,000 people joined us in our visit. The trail was a bit crowded, but most were polite and friendly. We noticed quite a few parents with very young children and babies. I don't know how they managed and I don't think I want to.

There is a book in the bookstore about Deaths in the Grand Canyon. Apparently the three most common accidents are caused by: 1. Photography, 2. Alcohol, and 3. Flip Flops. Some of our fellow hikers seemed to be combining several of the above. The shoes some of the women wear!!!!

So, we hiked and hiked! Breakfast at the lodge on Sunday with Chuck and Maggie and Cissy and John was very good. After that we tackled the hike to the "Emerald Pools" which were a rusty color and not at all emerald. I don't know how I did it. It was one of those days when I woke up with no energy whatsoever and the condition did not improve with time. But, I made it!

Sunday night was the drivers' meeting with a cookout - pizza, green salad and bumbleberry pie.
We missed the drivers' meeting since it had been moved up to 5:00 and we were still in town seeking treasures to buy after the IMAX film.

Hiking in Zion National Park

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grand Canyon - Zion

The past week has been so busy, I hardly remember what we've done.

Highlights in the Grand Canyon include: hikes, the Kaibab squirrels (dark gray or charcoal with long, furry ears and silver-white tails). They hop like rabbits and are quite cute. I saw 3. Had to buy a postcard since a picture was almost impossible.

The weather was cold at night, but nice and warm in the daytime. Wind, of course! We all liked the North Rim a lot. Fewer people and much less commercial. We ate a breakfast and a dinner at the lodge and it was very nice.

Zion was a whirlwind. We took a ranger-led tour of the canyon for two hours. The shuttle bus takes everyone everywhere to eliminate the need for driving. With the amount of people, traffic would be horrendous. We did take the drive ourselves (with Maggie and Chuck) to the tunnel and East entrance. I know know well the difference between hikes and walks. We did HIKES! There is a book in the bookstores about "Deaths in the Grand Canyon". People do fall to their deaths. The three main reasons are: 1. Photography 2. Alcohol and 3. Flip-flops.
We were amazed and horrified by all the small children and babies accompanying their parents on the hikes. I think they would be easier hikes on a different weekend than Memorial Day. But, we had to be somewhere. The population was about 30,000 this weekend. And, it's really not that big a park. But, this is an extreme sports destination. Lots of people from LA come here.

We also saw the IMAX movie and shopped for treasures in the Springdale downtown area.

Our cookout was pizza and Bumbleberry Pie. Now it's on to Bryce Canyon.

Friday, May 27, 2011

More Pictures of Antelope Valley and Rainbow Bridge

Glen Canyon and Lake Powell

It's been a very busy week. Sunday was our cruise to Rainbow Bridge - the largest natural bridge in the world. It was indeed impressive!

Monday was our trip to Antelope Canyon. We left at 11:00, after driving out to the meeting area with Cissy and John. Our Indian guide drove us to the canyon, a short distance away. It wasn't exceptionally windy, but it was extremely dusty. We were in an open-sided truck and most of us had to cover ourselves as much as possible to avoid breathing and eating the dust. Cameras were protected as much as possible.

Antelope Canyon began as a slot canyon and was then widened and formed by water and wind through the centuries. It is beautiful. To enhance the photographs, the guides would toss sand into the air and the sun beams would then catch the sand. The openings are narrow and there were many groups of tourists in there at the same time - all with cameras!

Ken and Eleanor went on Day 2 and related that one of their truck companions (a foreigner from an Asian country) refused to leave his photo spot. After 20 minutes of waiting, patience for him ran out and Ken put his hand over the tourist's camera lens. Finally he was persuaded
to leave.

Another family that we'd met on the previous day's cruise to Rainbow Bridge was there the same time we were. We heard from Roxy Watts that after everyone set up their cameras in anticipation of the upcoming photo opportunity, the woman told her daughter to go and stand in the sun beam. She then thought everyone was rude for asking her to get out of the way! It takes all kinds!

One afternoon (I forget which one) we hiked out to the Horseshoe Bend overlook. It was a lot further than we thought, but we made it and were rewarded by a spectacular view.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Page, AZ, Glen Canyon and Lake Powell

We are told that the Utah border is just after the stop sign. Which means, we're camping in Utah, but most of our activities take place in Arizona. Arizona does not recognize Daylight Savings Time, so we're now the same as Pacific Time. Yes, we're a bit confused also.

Yesterday we took off very early so we could get to Page and the RV service center. A part has been ordered for the air conditioner and if we're lucky it will be here on Monday and we can get it installed on Tuesday. We leave for the Grand Canyon's North Rim on Wednesday!

The visitors' center at the dam is wonderful and we saw the Oasis movie. Saturday we took a dam tour and it's most impressive. As the daughter of an assistant power plant operator, I've seen a few dams and power houses in my time. I hadn't seen this one before, however.

In the afternoon we had our raft trip to Lee's Ferry and it was a smooth and relaxing ride. The scenery, of course, was spectacular. A large bus took us to and from the launching sites.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Chinle, Arizona

The feelings caravaners had about Chinle were quite mixed. The unemployment rate is approximately 50% (or higher) and 50% of the population is below poverty level. There seem to be few or no solutions.

We were solicited at the grocery store for money, hitchhikers were everywhere, as were packs of dogs. They didn't seem unfriendly, just hungry and homeless. Our tour driver had quite a bit to say about the way he was forced to run his business.

Most of the people were overweight or obese and many were missing numerous teeth.

Garbage was everywhere, businesses seemed to be few, and most of us were quite depressed by the whole situation. Where to begin???? Whatever they're doing now is not working!

Monument Valley Pictures

Images of Canyon de Chelly

More of Canyon de Chelly