Thursday, May 5, 2011

More on the Corn Dance

Instructions given for the Corn Dance event included information on what to do if invited into a home for a meal. We were told to accept, not offer to pay and leave in a timely manner so that others may go in after us. No one had ever experienced that, but we were ready just in case.

While visiting (and shivering) in our area, a woman from the house to our left came out and almost ordered us to come in and get some food. Besides being warm in her house, her large table was full of food. She gave us styrofoam plates, eating utensils and napkins - and a lot of food to choose from. She worked at the nearby Indian casino and had the day off, as the casino was closed for two days. file:///Users/laurencewarren/Desktop/Document1.doc

No pictures for this blog. It's against their law!

Back to the RV park where we enjoyed snow flurries the rest of the afternoon.

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