Sunday, May 1, 2011

Friday, April 29 Events

First stop on Friday was Tinkertown, an attraction on the Turquoise Trail. It is a collection of stuff and it was fun to see it all. The originator was a painter for the circus and spent a lifetime creating circus miniatures and collecting unusual "collections". Sadly, he was diagnosed with Alzheimers when he was 57 and passed away in 2002 at age 62. The museum is now run by his widow, Carla.

After the museum, we kept traveling north on the Turquoise Trail, ending up at Cerrillos and its trading post. Lots and lots of stones, jewelry, etc. but nothing we couldn't live without. Cerrillos is famous for its green turquoise that is mined there. After a stop at Madrid to see the galleries there we headed back.

Our afternoon was spent doing laundry and the cookout of "Low Country Boil" was held that evening, along with the drivers' meeting and Fandango #5.

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