Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1 and the Green Corn Dance at Pueblo San Felipe

We got a very early start, as we'd been warned that parking was a premium at the pueblo. Arriving at 7:30 A.M. we had no problem and set our chairs up in a vacant area between two houses on the large open square. Before I go any further, it was COLD. Our leaders' advice about bringing sunscreen, water and sun hats went ignored as we bundled up in as many layers as possible and lamented having not brought enough warm clothing from home.

Mass at the Catholic church was first, then the dancing, which was actually a religious ceremony; their pueblo's feast day honoring St. Felipe and to bless the corn crop, I believe. An Indian we talked to from Arizona had brought his corn seeds to be blessed.

The dancing was in two very large groups that alternated.

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