Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hiking in the Parks

Our visit to Zion National Park included two hikes. The scenery was spectacular, but I mostly looked at my feet while determining the best places to plant them! I also learned that the difference between a walk and a hike was that a hike involves climbing over a lot of rocks and stairs - both up and downhill. Walks are flatter with paved paths. Ours were definitely hikes!

The first was to Canyon Overlook, just beyond the tunnels to the East Entrance. A parking space was available, so the hike was a "go". Unfortunately, this was Memorial Day weekend and the crowds were out. Approximately 30,000 people joined us in our visit. The trail was a bit crowded, but most were polite and friendly. We noticed quite a few parents with very young children and babies. I don't know how they managed and I don't think I want to.

There is a book in the bookstore about Deaths in the Grand Canyon. Apparently the three most common accidents are caused by: 1. Photography, 2. Alcohol, and 3. Flip Flops. Some of our fellow hikers seemed to be combining several of the above. The shoes some of the women wear!!!!

So, we hiked and hiked! Breakfast at the lodge on Sunday with Chuck and Maggie and Cissy and John was very good. After that we tackled the hike to the "Emerald Pools" which were a rusty color and not at all emerald. I don't know how I did it. It was one of those days when I woke up with no energy whatsoever and the condition did not improve with time. But, I made it!

Sunday night was the drivers' meeting with a cookout - pizza, green salad and bumbleberry pie.
We missed the drivers' meeting since it had been moved up to 5:00 and we were still in town seeking treasures to buy after the IMAX film.

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