Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bus/Train Ride to Silverton and Back

Monday was our big trip to Silverton. We rode up on two buses and all took the same train back to Durango. We'd all been advised to dress warmly, so everyone was quite layered up.

Upon our arrival around 11:15, we headed for lunch. Many of us ended up at Nicoletta's and had various dishes, including a delicious chicken, rice and vegetable soup.

After that, it was time to do some serious shopping. I don't think anyone came back empty-handed.

Larry got several belts and a buckle and we both got T-shirts.

And, it snowed heavily the entire time we were there! Since it wasn't too cold, most of us enjoyed it. After all, we were all bundled up.

The trip home by train was a slow one. It's still early in the season, so we got to sit inside. Several times we had to stop so rocks could be cleared from the tracks. We also had endless refills of hot chocolate, coffee, tea, or apple cider.

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