Friday, May 20, 2011

Canyon de Chelly near Chinle, AZ

We visited Canyon de Chelly for about 3 days and left with very mixed feelings.

The canyon itself is incredibly beautiful and most of us were not even previously aware of its existence. The drive on the canyon floor was amazing. We were driven through much water, witnessed a fight between two bulls, learned much about the Navajo way of life from our driver, and saw canyon life up close and personal.

We were extremely grateful to be in enclosed vehicles, especially when we saw the facial expressions of those tourists in outside contraptions. They did not look cheerful in the least.
When we had lunch afterward at the Thunderbird Lodge, others arrived looking very weatherbeaten and COLD.

In the afternoon we had a visit to the Catholic Church (Our Lady of Fatima), which combines Navajo traditions with Catholic traditions. It's a harmonious and interesting blend. The priest was pleased to have us as his audience and talked for over 1 1/2 hours. He was extremely interesting. Sasses and Helwigs returned to help with their food kitchen.

Back to the canyon- views from the overlooks were spectacular as well; we'd seen them the previous day with Ken and Eleanor.

Our last day there had us going to the Hubbell Trading Post in Granado with John and Cissy.
It rained and we had lunch of fajitas at the Best Western. Yummy. No dinner necessary.

John and Larry decided to hike down the trail near White House ruins. They were hailed upon, but insist it was "the best hike ever!" An adventure for sure.

Our talk by our tour driver, Adam Teller, took place in the outdoor amphitheater. He entertained us with a story about Coyote and Little White Beatle. His father, Ben, also talked and a newfound "cousin" entertained us with his wooden flute. The evening grew increasingly dark and the rain held off until we were nearly finished.

Two jewelry artisans also were selling their creations at the visitors' center. We Airstreamers bought and bought and I have no doubt that they are now trying desperately to replenish their inventory. This was the stop many of us had been waiting for. We're told by the leaders that last years' group liked to look, but we like to BUY!

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