Sunday, May 8, 2011

Santa Fe and Taos

First, we toured Santa Fe - by trolley and then foot. Our best finds were the restaurant where we ate a fine Mexican lunch for $5.00 (combined) and then the yarn and bead stores.

We marveled at the circular staircase in the church and enjoyed various samplings of olive oils and balsamic vinegars at a shop. I bought a small many-zippered bag and promptly exchanged it for a larger one!

Santa Fe is an artists' community; famous residents include Shirley McLaine and Ali MacGraw.

The following day we drove to Taos on the scenic route and returned via the fast route along the Rio Grande River. While there we shopped in the plaza and I found the quilt shop very close to where we'd parked the truck. We also checked out a local crafts fair in a nearby park. Lunch was at the Subway in Wal Mart (where I managed to replace my cheap-o watch that died with a new cheap-o watch.

Larry by then was on a mission - to return to the bead shop for some larimar. We found a parking space down the street and made it to the shop. It was much more crowded than the day before, but we did get a strand of larimar beads. It's now up to me to do something with them.

Santa Fe also has a World Mark resort, so we stopped by for a look-see. It's not large, but I think it might be a great place for a short vacation. Someday! Taos also has one, but we didn't realize it until we were at the Santa Fe resort.

Sam's Club at Santa Fe was our last destination. It's much larger and more crowded than the ones at home. I think it'll be the last box warehouse of the trip.

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