Thursday, May 5, 2011

El Santuario de Chimayo and Holy Dirt Church

Wednesday took us to the nearby area of Chimayo. First we began by taking Nancy and John Adrian with us to the museum across the freeway from our RV park. Many more beautiful pieces of Indian artwork, bowls, vases, sculptures, etc. The buildings they were housed in were quite impressive as well!

Our foursome was joined by the foursome of Sasses and Helwigs. We then took off for Chimayo and our lunch at Rancho de Chimayo. Outstanding food and everyone went away full and happy.

The tour of the church didn't take place until 4:00, so we visited several weaving shops in the area and thought we go see Nambe Falls. We decided to pass on that attraction, as they wanted $10 per car and a $5 camera fee. Not to mention we'd have a half hour walk each way to view the falls.

The church was interesting and we were all blessed by the priest. The holy dirt is supposed to have healing qualities; there were many discarded crutches in the small room adjacent to the church that had been left by those cured who no longer needed them.

1 comment:

Bill F said...

Looks like your weather has improved and warmed up a bit. Glad to see that for all.